The promising fact is that the automobile giant is concentrating towards making the most eco-friendly and fuel efficient ones to be on the roads.. Hmm not even roads, they are already present in the air and water.

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I wish if i could have made a trip in that luxurious piece of art and technology...Yea i have made some here in kerala..But the Volvo named things running here are absolute fakes!!!! Just the body built to resemble the orginal, but inside the ordinary one...The real Volvo is far more above from the fakes in terms of comfort, performance and ofcourse the emission levels..
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Its a hybrid engine running on diesel and electricity. The interesting fact is that the batteries gets charged from braking and the engine switches automatically to electric power when the cells are charged upto mark.
The company says that on tight traffic conditions in cities where frequent brakings are done the batteries will be recharged fast and as the engine automatically switches to electric power, a noise free running is made possible...
The engine claims better fuel efficiency,lessens environmental pollution and gives more power...Volvo is making his engine mainly for heavy vehicles....Pretty cool huh........
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